<The Resurrectionist>(掘尸者/神话怪物再生论/复活论者)中记载了奇异古怪的传说生物解剖图,是由插画师E.B.Hudspeth根据19世纪后期的一位医生Dr Black Spencer的遗失手稿重新整理、绘制而成的,这位医生有着相当不平凡的一生,据说他的父亲是外科医生兼盗墓者,Spencer从童年时代起便开始接触这类事物,直至后期,他开始一头钻入神话生物、进化论、解剖学的世界,最终他神秘地消失在人们的视线里……在他曾经的住所,人们发现了一套名为灭绝动物集(The Codex Extinct Animalia)的工作记录,比如人面狮身(Sphinxes)的外形,这些游走于艺术与科学间、亦真亦假的神秘学手稿,极为怪诞而引人遐想,对21世纪的人们来说,充满着吸引力……


Philadelphia.The late 1870s. Acity of cobblestone sidewalks and horse-drawn carriages.Home to the famous anatomist and surgeon Dr. Spencer Black. The son of a'resurrectionist'(aka grave robber), Dr. Black studied at Philadelphia's esteemed Academy of Medicine, where he develops an unconventional hypothesis: What if the world's most celebrated   mythological beasts—mermaids, minotaurs, and satyrs— were in fact the evolutionary ancestors of humankind?

The Resurrectionist offers two extraordinary books in one. The first is a fictional biography of Dr.Spencer Black, from his humble beginnings to the mysterious disappearance at the end of his life. The second book is Black's magnum opus: The Codex Extinct Animalia,a Gray's Anatomy for mythological beasts—dragons, centaurs, Pegasus, Cerberus—all rendered in meticulously detailed black-and-white anatomical illustrations.You need only look at these images to realize they are the work of a madman.The Resurrectionist tells his story.

E.B.HUDSPETH is an artist and author living in New Jersey. This is his first book.

In the first half of the sci-fi/fantasy book The Resurrectionist,author and illustrator E.B. Hudspeth,retold the fictional biography of Dr.Spencer Black-beginning from his humble childhood, medical training, travel with the carnivals, and his mysterious disappearance. In the later half, Hudspeth included the meticulous anatomical drawings of mythological creatures.

If you love Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the gorgeous anatomical drawings of Gray's Anatomy,The Resurrectionist is the book for you.

Publisher Quirk Books has graciously supplied a sample of the marvelous illustrations you'll see in book:

Many details regarding the heraldry of the sphinx are still unknown.  These creatures varied widely throughout the African continent. In Egypt,there are great statues of this animal - thesphinx sol, the protector and scourge of Ra, the sun god. Sphinxes are shown bearing a ram's head (acriosphinx) or a goat's head. These species are typically depicted without wings; I suspect that, like many flightless birds, the sphinx lost its need for flight because of geographical isolation.This evolution likely occurred before the animal's arrival in Egypt or Africa; however, I cannot determine whence it originated.

The famed sphinx of Thebes appears strikingly similar to the specimen in my record. Though few in number, the species had a developed human mind with an advanced intellect; they were more than likely fierce and successful predators.



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